Great Big Sigh

Three quilts got into a show in Bozeman, Montana, as part of their anti-abuse Disclosing October program. The quilts are No Domestic Tranquility (below), Picking Evil's Scab (right), and Let There Be Light (no decent picture!). The last two are older, but have never been shown. The show opens October 24 and closes November 4, and is held in The Exit Gallery at Montana State University. I wasn't expecting all three to get in. On the other hand, I didn't get into Art=Quilts=Art, but then I never get in there, so nothing has changed. I'm starting to think it is less an art quilt show than it is a quilt show. Or something. Can't remember how to add a silly photo...must edit. I think I have a picture of part of Scab and a full photo of No Domestic. We'll see. Oh hey. I found what I needed. Such a deal.

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