URL for Lost

http://quilts.com/fall05festivalwebcast/HV%20Gallery/index2.html is the URL for the Husqvarna show. There are 4 pages and this page is the one where my quilt is located. I don't know if that's their photograph or mine. There is a color catalog produced for this show, so it's possible it's their photograph. My monitor is so dark, I can't judge anything. The last Husqvarna quilt is finally on its way home to me. I shipped it out before I was separated...I wonder if it will recognize me. I guess I can add a picture of the newest Husqvarna piece here now, now that it has been exhibited in the first show. Welcome to Lost, no relation to the TV show. No really. It was named years ago. I gave you two details too. I don't know why. Look Mom, another uterus. 50" square.
Ione will tell the girls that mommy won't teach her anything! I let Grandma teach her how to quilt...someday maybe I will have time to teach her how I do it, but it's better that she learn the basics from someone with more patience than me! Yes, I have a lot of stuff...sometimes too much stuff. I think it breeds in the night...
This is a wonderful piece!
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