Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Getting into (or not) shows

That's a really badly worded title. I didn't get into the Changing the World One Thread at a Time show. Oh wait, I didn't enter! Bwa ha ha. Thanks to my school district for scheduling three or four 11-hour days of parent-teacher conferences.
I did enter Visions. Oh wait, I SHOULD say, I sent Visions my biannual donation. One wishes it were tax-deductible. I am posting only a detail shot of the newest quilt, So Deep, So Wide. More later.

Here's part of Congenial Liar in progress. I have ironed this partial face together (it's Wonder-Undered) and it's ready to be put on the background. Big Mouth. It needs inking. This quilt top also needs stitching. It's huge, so it'll be a while before it gets done. I'm thinking Spring Break.


At 3:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, both of these look GREAT! I hope you will be able to show the finished stages sometime... lovelovelove your quilt "Lost" in the Husqvarna comp!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Elle said...

I love your style. So bold and colorful! These are really cool pieces...


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