Day Full
of kids who cut themselves
of kids who fight and hit and generally act like siblings
of discussions of training bras
of discussions of suicide (not me nor mine)
of dirt
of kids who can't follow directions
What it really needs now, at the end, is calm, quiet, a peaceful walk, a nice glass of wine, making art, sleeping in the next morning.
I might get the quiet, after kids go to bed. I have the glass of wine. My goal is to get to the art (because I didn't on Wednesday, when I said I would). The rest is not happening.
And I'm upset about the kids who cut themselves. I guess I should put that in the art too. It makes sense there.
Peace out...hope your Friday nights are full of more good thoughts than bad.

Fallen. An older one, started in a Wasilowski workshop. I think. Yeah. I don't do workshops any more. Can't afford them.
This one's on my wall and there's not a damned thing any of the rest of you can do about it, so neener neener.
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