Dowel Robbery
Every time I go to Home Depot, I buy dowels on which to hang my quilts. I really only need them when I ship them, because I just switch dowels on the quilts hanging in the house as I rotate them. Despite my constant dowel purchasing, I currently have no dowel for the quilt that needs to ship this week. Why? It's not because I didn't buy them. It's because my kids steal them from me and mark them up and turn them into staffs and wands and swords and magical devices. This one is painted especially for the magic that it does. So I guess that means I can't cut it up and ship it off with a quilt, eh? Sigh.

And this? This is an exercise ball. This WAS an exercise ball. Guess why it looks like this? Those little robber barons must have claws too. Double sigh.

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