Bad Wonder Under
My car is still at the dealer. They have been unable to locate what the body shop did to destroy my lights and clock. I am getting an ulcer worrying about it, because if they decide that it was a random occurrence that would have broken down no matter what due to the age (FOUR?) of my car, I will have to pay for it. And money is very tight.
Hence, I have not finished quilting the behemoth. I had hoped to have it quilted and bound by tonight, so I could photograph it and stop worrying about it. I was wrong. Thread breaks. Back hurts. Foot pedal heats up. This is a closeup picture of the back of the front before I sandwiched it for quilting. It was kind of cool-looking, and now that it's sandwiched, no one will ever see that view of it again. Kind of weird.

So, back to the bad Wonder Under. Melody Johnson ( has been blogging about her escapades with bad Wonder Under for a while now, but I hadn't had the same results. The webbing would lift off the paper, but I was using it differently than she was, so I had different problems with it. But when I started trying to pull the paper off, I started to see the same problems she was having, where the paper was pulling some of the webbing off. And when I was ironing pieces together onto the applique sheet, some of the fusible was coming off onto the sheet, which never happens. I did manage to get the whole piece ironed, but now the damn stuff is clogging my needle, which it also has never done. I have one more quilt with trimmed pieces where I'll have to deal with this bad batch. I tossed the rest in the trash. I had been to both my local Jo-Anns looking for good Wonder Under (I'm at the point that I can tell whether it's bad or good just by looking at it), and they both had the bad stuff. So when I was at the conference in Anaheim, I went to the Jo-Anns in Orange, and they had the good stuff! It was wonderful to behold and I am a very happy owner of a mere 12 yards of it. I don't buy it by the bolt like Melody does, because I use a lot less of it than she does. But I'm glad to see it's not just me having problems with it. I should probably go back to those Jo-Anns stores and tell them to send it back...and maybe I will. I'm not sure they'll listen, though.
OK, the whiny twins are squawling. I have to dye Easter eggs now...not fabric, just eggs.
OMG, I'm so glad I found this post. I'm using Wonder Under right now and I can't get the adhesive to stay on the fabric. I've tried 3 different iron settings and it still won't stick. How can you tell the difference between the 'good' and the 'bad' versions?
When you're at the store, there's two things you can do. 1. Rub it between thumb and fingers...if the paper releases easily, don't buy it. Then look carefully at the webbing...there should be no areas that look fact, the uneven areas sometimes look like they're not attached to the paper (and they're not). 2. Ask the store people to help you check it by cutting a small square of it, bring a small piece of washed fabric with you, iron it on in the store, wait a minute for it to cool down, and see what happens. If a bunch of it pulls off with the paper, it sucks. Tell them to send it back to's defective, and Pellon is aware of it. You can tell I've spent way too much time dealing with this issue.
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