Saturday, March 25, 2006

Violent Duck Sex

I'm a science teacher. I should be able to deal with this. The ducks are still here, swimming happily in the pool (the very green pool) in the sun. Then the marauding male interloper (another male) appears and starts violently humping the female duck. He pecks and grabs the female's head while mating, pushing her head repeatedly underwater. The other male, the one I assume is the bonded male, is attacking the male interloper, flapping his wings wildly and pecking the violater's head and neck, pushing him (and his mate) further underwater. I should leave it alone. It's nature on its normal course. But I can't. I go out, and I don't bring a camera, because you know, they're not paying attention to me and I could take closeup pictures of this bizarre dance, BUT NO. I stomp my feet and all three fly off, quacking wildly.

150 pieces of Wonder Under ironed onto fabric last night for the next quilt. Achievement.


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