Binded by the Light
Hmn. Some 70s angst. Is it the 70s? Can't remember.
My feet hurt. I wore boots to school. Pro: they keep my feet and legs warm while I'm wearing a skirt. I don't have enough pants to get through the week, so I can't wear pants every day. Con: My feet hurt. Students make smarmy comments about how I'm wearing boots (why? Is there a LAW against it?).
I bought binding fabric for the two finished quilts. I washed said binding fabric. My daughter Swiffered (new verb, see Webster's 11th or 12th) the entry floor for me so I could mop it. Wait, how are those connected? I need to trim the quilts so I can bind them. The only space big enough to trim them is my entryway floor. Floor should be clean when trimming (unlike the mud-tromped mess it is now). Must clean floor to finish quilts. It's a vicious sick cycle.
With that in mind, here is a picture of something inspirational.

Yeah baby.
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