7 Block Stud

OK, not really a stud. I photographed the 7 finished blocks in the Southwest series to get a better idea of what it was looking like as a group. I had been doing one block at a time, and I have 4 background sky colors, so I'm trying to balance those, but I'm also trying to balance colors in the quilt. I didn't want it to just be orange-a-rama, so the tipi block and the Grand Canyon block and the other bridge/arch one that's really brown (apparently that's Owachomo Bridge in Natural Bridges National Monument, says my pattern) are my attempts to vary the color. There's also a lot of gray in the Hovenweep block, which doesn't look too bad in the picture, but looks overwhelming when I look at it in person. I'll either put some bushes in the foreground, or trim it down, or try to get some gray in one of the 5 remaining blocks. I know the next block will be in the orange range, so maybe I need to try to get a browner one in there somewhere too.
Hey SUSAN! What are we doing next? This is like a psychotic Mystery Quilt. We have no idea how the blocks will fit together or what we'll be stitching next...we just have to go with the flow. What a concept.
If I knew how it was all going to go together I would tell you. Psychotic, that describes me to a tee right now...
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