Wonder Under Debacle
I got this bug up my butt (as one does) to get a small quilt done for an upcoming show. It would have to be done like in the next week for me to be able to photograph it etc. No problem...I had a drawing that I traced onto Wonder Under, and packed it away for the car trip I had to go on this weekend. I pulled it out on the ride home, and started cutting. Now, I've had issues with Wonder Under before, pulling away from the paper, which when you're doing what I'm doing with traced pieces means you either have to start over and retrace the pieces or (like a crazy psychotic loon) try to match little tiny paper pieces with little tiny almost invisible pieces of Wonder Under stuff. And, yes, I've done that, which is why I know you have to be a crazy psychotic loon to try it.
So in the car some of the paper was pulling away, and I cut those parts off, figuring I'd just retrace those bits later onto Wonder Under that wasn't trying to run away from home. But as I'm cutting into the part that seems to be sticking, bits of the backing are falling off. I turn over the paper to look at the webbing that makes up the glue, and it's not even. There are clumps of webbing in places and in some places there's big honkin' holes in it, and there's no way I want to deal with this with such tiny pieces. Back into the container with the mess, headache ensues (may be lack of caffeine or sleep or any such thing). I'm irritated at Wonder Under. In fact, I'm so irritated, the manufacturer should come here right now and get down on his or her knees and apologize to me. OK, I may have vengeance issues.
I'm home now, buried under the depths of an incredibly messy and dirty house, a lack of groceries, a lack of this week's lesson plan, and a lack of desire to do ANYTHING at all except curl up with a book and a nap.
It's OK, I'll get over it. I'm on the second cup of tea, the grocery list is made, and I have two slaves currently dressed like pirates who will be forced to assist with that whole cleaning thing, since they are the biggest creators of said mess. And maybe I'll even find some decent Wonder Under to retrace this mess. And the bigger of the pirate slaves just hugged me and said "Meow". What more could you ask for? Here's the smaller one...

Am I reading this correctly? Did you trace something onto the unironed wonder under, then try to cut it into the appropriate pieces before anything was fused?
And you wonder why the WU doesn't work? It's not made to work like that. It needs the support of some fabric to work at all, I thought.
The only fusible I think you can do with this at all is Steam a Seam II.. and I wouldn't do it very regularly.
Sure it is...I do it all the time. Done it for...hmn...8 years, maybe more? Almost every quilt I make is made that way. The paper supports the webbing. The webbing is supposed to stay attached to the paper until it's ironed to fabric and you peel it away. In fact, the Quilt Art list had this big discussion of a bad batch of Wonder Under that was detaching from the paper before its time. Lots of fusing artists (and traditional quilt fusers) use it this way...that's what makes it better and more useful than the webbing that doesn't have paper...try it!
I did redraw the whole thing last night on Wonder Under that wasn't defective (and this stuff truly was defective, because the webbing was uneven throughout, with big holes in places), and it worked fine. I even cut out teeny tiny pieces this way.
ANYWAY. I've stopped venting now. It was a bad day at work and I shouldn't take it out on Wonder Under. Maybe I'll take a picture later so you can see my pieces...
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