Pizza Night
I'd like to thank my parents for financing tonight's pizza night. After a full day of science labs with 12-year-old atomic bombs (note to self: don't do labs on are too hyper), I can't cook. I physically cannot open cupboards and turn on the oven and I'm not even sure I can pull out the dishes on which to put the pizza.

Despite that, I'm hoping my energy revives after food so I can iron pieces to my background for this small quilt. Some shots of the parts not ironed to a background, not in any particular order.

Then some shots of drawings I was doing last night while watching CSI. The eyeball, if you saw the show last night, yuck, that eyeball scene, bleck. I can't even be coherent about it. Can you tell I'm teaching about DNA???

Not sure where I'm going with that drawing. Potentially nowhere.
Whoa, look at those fingers. OK, where's that pizza guy (chick)? I need fortification...
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