Making Your Own Mugs
My goal is to have a cupboard full of mugs painted by me and my family and friends. Much better than that store-bought crap. I just did a new one to replace one that suicide-bombed into the sink, lost its handle, and cracked irretrievably. I will still try to use it in a mosaic. Here's the old one.

Here's its replacement. While I was painting it, a girl about 10 years old kept coming up and asking me questions. "What are you painting?" "A naked lady." "Oh." Followed by "What's that black thing in the middle?" "Um, when you get older, you get hair down there" (and where the hell is your parental supervision right now!). She then came back and told me I was really talented. Um, thanks. Note to self...paint after kids' bedtime, not on a Saturday afternoon. I did try to keep it somewhat concealed.

Here's one painted by a friend, which produced oohs and aahs from my kids.

And here's one I painted a while ago.

I need 2 more, I think. I have another one in my cupboard, but I forgot to photograph it.
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