Two ducks keep hanging out in my pool. Not surprising, since it's so green it looks like a natural habitat for them. They are fussy about having their picture taken. After I took this one, the female quacked boisterously at me for about 30 seconds, at which point they took off, and thanks to the slowness of digital cameras, left me with a blurry photo of tree branches and sky (and not a single duck part). I won't even post that one, because it really and truly sucks.
I'm trying to finish all my work stuff early tonight so I can work on the drawing for the next quilt. I taped three drawings together on Sunday morning, but was too stupid to take a picture of them. Besides, then you'd know what I was working on :-). And we can't have that.

So here's a picture of the ripening tangerines. The tree was an anniversary present (10th?) from my (NOW) ex-husband. In the early stages of the divorce, I almost tossed it off the deck to its death. But then I thought it wasn't really the tree's fault that he was such a lame-ass, so I reprieved the poor tree. Hence it thanks me annually with a multitude of tangerineyness. Bless it.

This is a logo on a sign (photo taken from across a 5-lane street, hence pixilation and teeny-tinyness) that I liked. That logo and the waves
Pamdora used in one of her vacation sketches are poking around in my brain right now. Like I need more things poking around in there...
Art tonight! I decree it! But first I need to turn the heat on. It's hard to make art when you can't feel your fingers. Oh yeah, and I need to feed the kids. It's probably illegal not to...
I still think you're having a Tony Soprano moment.
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