I'm Trying to Draw

Matt Groening...bless you, man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_in_Hell. There is a http://www.mattgroening.com/, but don't even go there.
I told you. But you didn't want to believe me. Again. What a disappointment. Maybe Matt has too much stress in his life too. Maybe the dust bunnies are taking over his living room and he can't get into the right mood to design a webpage.
It's been a crappy week. Too much work. Too much stress at work. Didn't feel well all week. Fought a migraine. Sinus pressure. GOT NO ART DONE AT ALL. And that sucked. So tonight, even though I'm not caught up on work stuff, even though I have a mountain of housecleaning to do, even though the world will probably end if I don't do something besides art (isn't that the truth?), I'm drawing. No really. I am.

Not that. That's old. It was in the way of my camera. Did I say my blood sugar is too high too? Stress. Causes it. I need to exercise more. I need to stress less. I need more time. It's tentatively called Celery Girl. No, I don't know what it means. Don't even ask.
Do you have donuts? I want donuts.

Oh baby.
Matt Groening's books are hilarious.
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