On Mother's Day, I Clean

It's Mother's Day. Happy Day to all. I made my own breakfast. I'm spending the morning cleaning house, litter trays, the pool (if I can get the damn ducks to leave). My kids will come later and maybe I will feel less left out of the mothering process. Even Dogpile.com (my start page) had a Mother's Day dog on it. Trying to drag me down??? Where are my damn flowers? I've been wanting flowers around the house for weeks, but can't justify the cost. Better to let the ex pay for them.
So I've been tiptoeing around the backyard, not wanting to disturb the ducks as I clean cat litter trays. Am I nuts? It's my yard, my pool, and there are no ducklings. I hope they are in someone else's yard. Mom duck jumped out of the pool the first two times I went into the backyard, but by the third time, she had decided I was not a threat and she just quacked at me.
I did trace about 180 pieces on Wonder Under for the Earth Mother (tentative name) quilt. Only 450 to go :-). HA! I'm nuts. This Wonder Under is blessed. It is not releasing from the paper AT ALL. I am in bliss. Glee. Chortling happiness. OK, not really.

My son won two third places in the county science field day yesterday. He was happy. Goofy too.

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