Yesterday Didn't Feel Like a Holiday
I know, poor me. I get to have the whole summer off from work (well, mostly), so the 4th feels like just another day. Except there's fireworks. And we finally got to go swimming in the pool. Those were good things. But otherwise, I spent most of the day filling these...

And peeing and pooping this...

And I learned that photographing fireworks with a handheld digital camera is not as easy as it looks...(65 pictures later and only 3 or 4 are any good, and why did I take them anyway? No one knows. It's not like I'm going to make art out of them or like they are some representation of a picture-perfect day...I mean, my ex-husband was a huge part of the day because it was a holiday and he had the kids and they wanted me to be involved. It's all so FREAKIN' complicated). But here's a token firework picture...

And in art-related news, I finally finished tracing all 800 and something pieces of Wonder Under for the newest big piece. Pain in the butt, but but but. Now I need to cut them all out. I'm actually about halfway through that, but I think my goal of having them all cut and ironed to fabric before I leave for Seattle is IN MY HEAD. Maybe if I had another week and a lot more drive to do it.
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