I Found This Note...

On a serious note, the only fabric-related stuff I've done this week (besides go to quilting class) is shorten my son's shorts. He doesn't like the super-long shorts that are the fashion now, so I cut 7" off the bottoms and sewed them up. He's very happy. I also had an hour-long discussion of puberty with him and his sister tonight. He actually listened and asked questions, and then asked if there was any way he could avoid it altogether. Um...sweetie...no. Prepare for the roller coaster ride.
Four days of school left...
I was reading Laura Cater-Woods Idea to Image newsletter tonight, and she's talking about reducing mental clutter as well as physical clutter (see my blog about piles and more piles) before we can create. And how she's looking forward to 6 uninterrupted weeks of creating in her studio. Yes. That's my summer. I have 8 weeks. One week in Seattle, which will be good. One week of work-related stuff. But I'm not giving up any more of the weeks, no matter how much school pressures me. I need that time. I've been so frustrated and cranky and short-tempered the last few weeks because I can't find even a moment to make art...I say that, but I drew last night a little. And I try to draw every Sunday morning, because I can find the time and a nice hot cup of tea. And I've been trying to find even one evening a week when I don't have to grade something. But it's still not enough.
I love Laura Cater-Woods' work, so here's a link to her website. She's not blogging at the moment, and I can't find the link to her newsletter subscription...http://www.cater-woods.com/. Found it! It's on the Links page, scroll down if you're interested. She emails a newsletter with some words about creativity. It reminds me to go to her website and see what new work she has.
My son said today he doesn't want to have kids because he sees how horrible some of them are. I asked him if my kids were OK. He said maybe.
This time next week? Art will be in progress...
Hi Kathy! First time here. Love your quilts (esp. So Deep So Wide). Love that your fabric situation looks like mine :) I'll be back.
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