Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Age of AIDS

I'll be teaching kids about AIDS in the next couple of weeks (along with some other reproductive stuff). I found myself getting angry at a parent who wanted their child spared from any images of homosexuals with regard to AIDS, because I had mentioned sexual transmission in the letter home. Just to clarify...I didn't get angry TO her...but just angry at the thought of her issues. I kept my feelings quiet...until I got home, that is. The video I am hoping to use in class is of an 11-year-old boy who contracted HIV from a blood transfusion. Now I will have to preview it for any imagery of homosexuals and call her to make sure she is OK with whatever I discover. And if she doesn't want him to see a homosexual (um, does she want to know that we have homosexual students?), then I will have to (1) find a special home for him in another class for a day and (2) provide him with something relevant and useful to do for that hour that does not mention homosexuality.

I wonder why Americans are so obsessed with labeling AIDS...STILL...a homosexual disease. I've been watching Frontline's 4-hour special The Age of AIDS, which is really good. It does a nice job of focusing on all the different pieces of who got sick and how, and how we've dealt with it politically and scientifically. I wish I could force the kids to sit through all 4 hours, although they'd tune it out. I'm just disturbed by this parent. Ignorance.

I think you'll be able to watch The Age of AIDS online Friday at 5 PM ET, if you're interested.

A picture of the AIDS quilt, to make this quilt-related.


At 7:02 AM, Blogger Debra said...

Here in the bay area we have 4 (5?) PBS stations. I've been watching the The age of AIDS in bits every evening. I think I still learned something. It's a very good production.

Good luck teaching the kids. It's a bit incredible to think that those who are graduating college this year have lived their entire life with this disease.

At 12:02 AM, Blogger Pete said...

It sounds as if this woman is not interested in labeling the disease as gay so much as labeling herself anti-gay. Tribalism is alive and well.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger vrgnamgnta said...

She's the only one that had an issue, though. So her tribe is pretty dang small, at least those who will stand up and declare themselves.


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