Drawing in My Head

I've found a shortcut in my artmaking. Instead of actually drawing the art out, making patterns, cutting the fabric, ironing, and then quilting the final product, I'll just imagine the pictures in my head, do all the work up there, in between nerve cells, and that'll be it. I mean, I don't have time to actually MAKE the art, let alone spare money to finish the pieces or send them out to shows. I can't say I don't have enough fabric to make them...I do. Probably could make 20 or 30 before it got to be a desperate issue, but I wouldn't have enough big pieces for backgrounds or backings or bindings, and I'd run out of batting pretty quickly. Sigh. Yes, it's been a stellar week for artmaking here.
I have, however, managed to get my pool to THIS color, a shade much closer to blue (and swimability) than previously seen in such blogs as "Ducks Having Sex" and "Two Mallards in a Brokeback Moment". Of this, I am proud. It might have been easier (and even cheaper) to hire a pool guy, though.

I spend time reading other people's blogs, and even in the art quilt world, many people are blogging pictures of their beautiful gardens, blooming flowers, wondrous lawns, etc this time of year. As you can clearly see, I have done nothing to enhance the beauty of the overgrown jungle that is my yard. I did not choose that fountain, by the way. And some of the plant issues are from a tree that fell over in a wind storm...my neighbor's tree. A wind storm about 3 years ago. Sigh.

The upper yard is currently harboring a coyote, which I've seen twice and heard about a million times (see previous posts on "An Elephant Tromping by My Window"). I suspect a chainsaw will be needed to clear this out. There is a path...really.

I have been adding animals to the household. These will go to school for the last three weeks. They are busy little worker...um...ants. Very industrious. Makes me tired just to watch them continuously building new tunnels and destroying old ones. Reminds me of doing laundry and dishes, or cleaning floors. What's the freakin' point???

Another new addition...the Beetle That Scared My Sister. Not MY sister. I ain't got no stinkin' sister. But my son brought this home from his dad's house...and now I need to know what to feed it...besides his sister.

And last, a pizzly or a grolar bear. Half polar bear, half grizzly, all dead. Thanks to the hunters, we can't do much but DNA analysis on this hybrid. Freaky. Thanks to National Geographic for the weirdest pictures I've seen all year.

Am I going to make art tonight? I doubt it. Am I going to make art this week? Sigh. I don't even want to think about it. It's too depressing.
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