I was reading a couple of posts yesterday about piles of stuff enabling you to actually be more efficient about making stuff. My mom collects patterns and fabric, and then puts them all in a Rubbermaid box or in some sort of zip-up bag, and I suspect many of them will still be carefully packed up this way in 2050, when she finally passes on to the great quiltshop in the sky. My piles are not so clear cut, not so organized. I pity the child who inherits my piles.
For instance, a pile of background fabric for quilts, some in progress, some not, and one unfinished quilt that I'm not even sure what it is, but I'm scared to look, because I might have to add it to the list of things to finish this summer. Notice how my bra finally got put away. OK, it didn't get put away...I'm wearing it at the moment. But that's inherently better than storing it on a pile of quilt backgrounds.

And here's a piles of applique quilt blocks that may never become a quilt, because I am too impatient to finish it, plus an unfinished quilt that was a foreshadowing to my divorce, and I don't really like it. Maybe when I'm 50...

A pile of stuff that needs to be combed through and either put away or ebayed. Some of it has been in there since I moved from the last house. I'm frightened of what's at the bottom.

I will never get all my fabric put away. There is a shelf there, I swear. I haven't seen it in 5 plus years.

More random fabric piles. I don't even know why stuff ends up in piles like this. Another unfinished quilt. Sigh.

And some relief from the pile issue. I'm fascinated (as are many) by zebra stripes. But I've seen enough well-done, very competent zebra quilts, that I don't really feel a need to make one. I do want to try to use the idea of the stripes on something else, though. That's an idea for a drawing.

Yesterday, I saw the Al Gore movie, An Inconvenient Truth, about global warming. A good movie, though depressing. But the image of Hurricane Katrina showed up in this morning's drawing, as I'm sure it has in many people's artwork in the last year.
I think the person who said piles were good for creativity was someone who sells stuff to put in those piles. I find that I am more creative when I organize stuff, or when I just pull out the stuff I want and just ignore the rest.
OH my goodness...it looks like you were in my quilting area taking photos of my piles! I can relate!
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