Puppy (What the Hell Was I Thinking?)
OK, so I've wanted a new puppy since my good old dog died almost 3 years ago. I almost got one at Christmas, but a tree fell and I had to figure money stuff out, so it didn't happen. And I really wanted to get one at the beginning of the summer so I could train it all summer without having to deal with school too. I wanted a puppy because I have 4 cats, one of which is dog-shy, so I needed a baby whose brain could be molded.
So here she is.

She's a boxer mix, probably Shepherd (looking at her sisters). She's the runt of the litter and very sweet.

When she first saw Limbo (cat), she bounded over like "Oh BOY! Someone to play with!" Limbo's response was a little less excited, but I'm hoping because the puppy is smaller than the cats still, that she and they will grow into this relationship.

I made a few pound and humane society trips this weekend, but all the puppies were already on hold. I went to the local pet store to get crickets for the tarantula, and the local shelter had puppies. Man oh man. Once you get that "I want a puppy" thought in your head, there's no removing it. Now I have a new baby in the house who is not potty-trained, not sleeping through the night, and needs a lot of attention. I am nuts. But it was worth it last time, so I think it will be this time too.
In other news, I'm tired and maybe coming down with sickness. The house is still a disaster area, although I'm working on that. I think Ione thinks she can rock the puppy to sleep. Hmn. Silly girl.

OK, another big life change under my belt. Next I'll take up karate and shave my head (very tempting in this weather).
The little wiggly puppy is too cute! Maybe the cats will come around...someday, lol.
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