Ironing in the Pool
I'm considering it. Ironing in the pool. If I put the ironing board on the bottom of the pool, the top would be above water. I could put my stash around the edges of the pool and swim from color to color. That whole "electricity-and-water-doesn't-mix" thang might make things a little too interesting, though.
If you haven't guessed, it's hot here. Too hot. I have no air conditioning.
Last night, I determined two things while picking fabrics for the newest Southwest applique block.
1. I do not have enough orange. Despite this drawer-full, it is not enough.

2. Quilt stores should be open until 10 PM or later.
I had these flip-flops with beads on them from the summer before the summer before this summer, and I liked the beads, but one part was slipping off, so they were no longer comfortable. I hadn't tossed them, because I am by nature a packrat, and I wanted to save the beads. Ivy (the puppy) helped me out with that goal. I'm not sure how to persuade her to do the other shoe without encouraging her to chew on shoes.

This is the entirely unexciting start to the above-mentioned Southwest block. What's interesting about this is that only about a 2-inch section of the sky will show in the final block.

And yes, I know about Extreme Ironing (, but those people aren't doing it for REAL. I mean, I REALLY need to iron somewhere much cooler than my house at the moment. Why do irons have to be hot anyway. Sheesh.
There's hope! I had to wait a few days to press my current work-in-progress - too hot, no AC. Today the temp broke finally, bringing a couple of inches of rain with it. BUT - after dinner, I went right upstairs, turned on the new fan and fired up the iron! Finally finished what I had only been able to do a few rows at a time previously.
Here's to cooler temps for you too. Cellar? Early or later in the day? whatever it takes!
I'm waiting patiently for October :-). See my next post!!!
Cellar? This is California! When global warming progresses from hot to hurricane, we will have nowhere to hide.
I have air conditioning, come iron here...
My mom also offered me her air conditioned studio, but I'd have to move all my fabric stash there too, which is no small feat. It would be easier to get a 2nd job and earn the money to install air conditioning here. Seriously :-).
One can NEVER have tooo much orange fabric!
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