I laid out the backing on my's linoleum, so I just iron right onto it, although it helps if the room is CLEAN (more on cleanliness below). Then a puppy kamikazes into it and I yell and have to reposition the fabric.

Then I lay out all the pieces and try to get them to line up and iron them down enough so they'll stick. Then I pick it up and do a serious iron with water spritzing and counting to 30 and all that official stuff. Then I try to figure out what pieces I've lost (I wrote most of them down, and they're usually the really little ones, the ones the size of grains of rice). I replace all those.

Then I start sewing. And I sew until my foot pedal gets too hot to stand on, and that's my enforced breaks, so I don't get pain in the back or shoulders. Yes, the repair guy has taken apart my pedal and can't find a reason for the excessive heat, but I'm sure it will catch fire some day while I'm sewing, and it will be at a really bad time, and I won't be able to get a replacement for weeks.

Back to CLEAN. I have little girls and their moms coming on Tuesday for my daughter's birthday excursion. My house is not clean. It doesn't even approach clean. I mean, there's clutter, but under the clutter it is not clean. If I had a choice, I would spend the next two days quilting this sucker. But you know I will have to clean. At least some. So I will balance the cleaning (which the kids will help with) and the quilting (which the kids will NOT help with). In the end, the house will still be a bit messy and cluttered, and the quilt will probably not be done, but I will be happier then if I left the house the disaster area that it is today.
My fairy godmother needs to bring me a cleaning lady.
OMG how big is that wonderful piece going to be????? She looks kind of Wonder Woman-ish at that angle--but then aren't all we mothers SW........?
She is taller than I am...not that it's HARD to be taller than I am. Currently measuring in at about 83" high by 36" wide. I don't usually go that tall, but any smaller than that, and I would have had pieces on it that were the size of fleas. And yes, Wonder Woman was on my mind when I drew her. Weird, huh?
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