Finished! Well...Sort of
I'm finished with ironing 821 pieces of Wonder Under to the appropriately colored pieces of fabric. I used approximately 63 different fabrics in this quilt, not counting the background. Holey Moley. I did not realize. I thought it was like 25 until I actually counted them.
What I really need now is about 2 or 3 really good movies to watch while trimming all the pieces of fabric to their appropriate size. I've spent all week doing teacher education stuff, and I am Ready to Roll. Oh, and clean house so it will be presentable when the Non-Working Moms Who Have Cleaning Ladies drop their daughters off for my daughter's birthday party. Yeah. That's it.
No pictures tonight. That seems lame. OK...searching the archives...

I don't think I ever posted this...mostly because I wasn't that happy with it. It's called Genesis, and it was in response to a challenge of "Something that causes joy". I think. Can't really remember. It's kind of weird. Funny for the artist to say that, but we have to have things in our body of work that will give the art critics something to go on about when we're dead, or they won't write books about us.
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