Hi, I'm Kathy, and I'm a Fabriholic
It's true. I can't deny it. I've been fighting the urge to acquire fabric for about 3 weeks now. Almost every day, I come up with a roundabout way to find time to go to the local fabric store, and every day, I talk myself out of it. No money. Can't afford it. Have plenty (ha! as if that's possible).
Yesterday, a friend who is downsizing handed me a box. One of those boxes that you buy a million reams of paper from some office supply store in...a big box. And a bag. ALL FULL OF FABRIC. Oooh.

I managed to keep out of the box until after dinner tonight, and now I'm washing it all (yes, I'm anal, and also allergic to fabric chemicals). It's gonna take about three loads, I think, maybe four, and I am orgasmic.

See, the thing is, everyone has their fabric buying niche. You buy the same colors and tones, and when you realize you're doing that, you try to go out of your way to buy in a different color, to build up your stash of yellows, or like when I started the Southwest quilt, I knew I needed more orange, brown, red in the earth tones that you see in Utah, so I went shopping especially for that. But my friend, she buys in a different tone than I do, and that's what makes her donation to the poor me so awesome. There's stuff in there I don't think I ever would have THOUGHT to buy, but it so complements what I've got.
AND. There's a brown fabric I must have bought in about 1990, when I first started quilting. I love that brown. I use it in applique all the time. It's probably in 90% of my quilts. It is the quintessential brown. And I have maybe a 3" square of it left. I probably bought 1/2 a yard back in 1990, and I don't use big pieces of it usually, and recently I've been more careful about using it up. She had a good 1/2 yard piece of it in her stash. I Worship This Woman. I owe her like homemade cookies or a stripper or something. Not sure what.
On another note...
I entered two shows today. I was feeling lame and stupid about having spent the whole summer NOT accomplishing diddly squat in the quilt arena. At the beginning of the summer, I needed to finish 3 quilts. I start school in 11 days, 11 hours, and 40 minutes (not counting), and I still need to finish those 3 quilts. Aargh. But I managed to enter these shows and consider entering three more in the next month or so (assuming I finish at least ONE of these three looming over my head).
There are photos that go with this post, but Blogger AGAIN is having issues with posting them. I'll try later.
hey, congrats on the score of fabric. when i need to buy fabrics in colours i don't normally by i have to create a mantra to be able to go into the fabric store and actually SEE that colour..."i'm looking at reds, i'm looking at reds" lol
And even when I do THAT, I still buy a black and maybe a new batik and some flesh colors...because you can never have enough flesh colors...now back to FOLDING all of that acquired stash.
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