Less Spider Content
I'm thinking I should find a spider webring to link to, since I seem to have more spider content than quilt content some days.
My daughter, whose 9th birthday is today, bought herself a Venus Fly Trap (as many daughters that age probably do, right?). Yes, this is a freaky picture of her.

My mom helped my daughter catch some flies and put them in a ziplock bag, so she could bring them home to feed the Venus Fly Trap. No, my mom is not clinically insane, but she is a little wacky.
Then my mom called me later and asked me if I wanted another tarantula (because I love spiders So Much, let me tell you). Well, as part of the Official Science Teacher Code, I am required to take any animal offered me, dead or alive, creepy or cute, poisonous or benign, so I said stupidly Yes, gimme the big scary spider. As I'm on the phone with my mom (who found the creature in her backyard...well, the dog found it anyway), I'm imagining my dad in the background, restrained by my mom, as he holds a shovel up in the air yelling "Get out of the way! I'm taking that thing DOWN!!!"

The hardest part about the new tarantula was getting it into the container, because it decided it wanted to go the OTHER way, up the tupperware, where my hand was, so I screamed like a girl and dropped the tupperware, the wooden spoon, and the tongs (all good spider-controlling equipment). I did manage (with help) to get that sucker back in the container. It's HUGE. Probably 4 times the size of the other one (which is now so obviously a juvenile). This thing creeped me out so bad that I had to leave it outside until I went to bed, and then I woke up in the middle of the night and weighted down the top (Super Spider will BLAST the top off the container!). Yick.
Quilt Content: here is a leg. Yes, I know most legs don't have cats on them or brightly colored yin/yang symbols, but wait 'til you see the rest of it. Hopefully today, in between making birthday cake and driving around the city to drop off and pick up kids, I will be able to make art. Yeah.

I have read the official science teacher code book twice and missed the part both times where you have to take any creature found by your mother into your home and hearth. Now had it been found by a student, (especially one with issues) that is a different matter all together. I say return the poor defenseless spider back to his natural habitat out in Julian somewhere whe he can't find his way back to my house.
OOPS. I let him go in your yard about 20 minutes ago...bwa ha ha!
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