Comments always welcome. Karoda mentioned "etching" out time for art from my job. It is a matter of using a sharp implement, not just to carve out the time, but to poke at the people who try to take the time away from you. And then to poke at yourself when you waste time doing stupid stuff like cleaning house or futzing around on the computer instead of making art, when you already gave yourself permission to make it tonight.
My goal last school year was to find more time DURING the year to make art. It happened. A little. Not as much as I'd like, and I found my mental status suffering when I didn't. My goal this school year is to get better at separating school from real life from art time. Unfortunately, I currently have 40 more students than last year and a whole new class to teach that I suck at. At which I suck, to be grammatically correct (and no, it's not grammar I'm teaching...I'd probably be OK with that).
However much I need to be planning for school tonight, I will make the time to work on this and on the embroidery I want to put on the piece I just finished binding.

I have 10 minutes before I need to leave for piano lessons and Boy Scouts...I don't really feel like I can take the embroidery with me, because of the whole giant naked lady issue. That part sucks. Maybe I should make more benign, family friendly art. Naah.
"OMG there's that woman who drags around the naked lady blankets! Hide your eyes, Martha!" :}Kind of reminds me of the "Streaker"song by Ray whatsisname!
I think they would just call the cops on me! Officer, that lady over there is sewing on...on...oh my, I just can't say the words, officer!
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