Dysfunctional Camera Card
I guess I need a new camera card. I took pictures of my significantly nonawake kids this morning on their first day of school, and the camera says the pictures are corrupt. Corrupted? Hmn.
It did take some pictures. For instance, and I don't know if my parents read my blog regularly, but I have been searching for my 9x13" Pyrex dish for about a month now. It wasn't in the drawer where it always is. Back when I was married, if I was looking for something that I used fairly regularly and I suddenly couldn't find it, I knew my ex-husband had taken it, used it, and left it in some totally random place. I asked him if he had my Pyrex (knowing that it was unlikely). He didn't. I asked my mom if she'd seen it (she occasionally unloads my dishwasher). She hadn't.

I found it this morning. In the cupboard under my bathroom sink. Where my dad had put it to catch water drips in case the faucet he had newly installed leaked. About a month ago. You might ask why I hadn't been under the cupboards...well, he was going to adjust the faucets, so I didn't put anything away. I asked him if I should. He said no. I didn't. Until today, when I realized I was tired of tripping over the stuff, he was gone for 3 weeks and then had guests for a week, and then was off to a wedding for another few days, and it would probably be October before he had time to deal with the faucets. Which Is Fine. But I'm not tripping over all that stuff until October. So the Pyrex is found. And a man used it and left it somewhere I wouldn't even think to look for it. The universe continues.
I'm reading this book. Mom gave it to me for Xmas and after having read Angela's Ashes, which is as depressing as any book I've ever read, I just couldn't bring myself to find out what depressing notions about teaching Mr. McCourt was going to bring to the table. Then my new principal sent us a letter with 2 pages of quotes from the book, and I was intrigued. It's not bad. He's still depressing, disturbing, but somewhat funny in a cynical and sarcastic way. The Resolve? Dog is not potty trained.

Now I will use my childless day to find binding for the big quilt, trim it (have to clean the floor again because the dear sweet puppy thing peed on it again), and maybe get that done. Yeah. And start another! It's funny how it still feels sad to drop them off at school on the first day. Some reminder of their getting closer to leaving me for their own lives. What a mope I am. Meanwhile, the dogs continue to try to kill each other for fun.

And now you know how messy my house is and what kind of destruction the cats have wrought upon my furniture.
Is the trying fun? Or is the killing fun, and they just fail to have fun over and over? I'm so confused.
I've found that this level of confusion is easily remedied with alcohol. Hell, you've seen them...you tell ME what they heck they're doing???
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