Complaining, Whining, Wah.
I hate this job thing where it sucks your brain out your ears, leaves you with no energy or time, and barely pays you enough to cover the bills. My work load is heavier this year, with an extra 25 or 30 students, plus a whole 'nother content area that I know nothing about. They asked me today what a Least Common Multiple was and I had to look it up. When was the last time YOU used that term? No fair answering if you're a math teacher.

Needless to say, I'm not making art. I did draw last night. I'm not sure where I was going with the just sorta dribbled out as I watched House, then Supernova, then the Northern Exposure wannabe.

I have to sew a second sleeve on a quilt that's going to an exhibit. I hate sewing sleeves on after the quilt is done. I'm trying to get motivated to do that. Watch me get motivated...yeah...uh huh.
Gratuitous picture of kids and puppy...growing puppy...

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