Death and Destruction
Death: 2 rats, by rat trap. Eew. But I don't want those silly vectors anywhere near my house, and when I start to see multitudes of them in broad daylight? Well, it's time to take action.

Destruction: My bras. Four of them. By Puppy. Not appreciated. Luckily, VS is having its annual sale, so replacement is not totally heinous. No, that's not a picture of me. I wish.

Doesn't really count as death or destruction, but they stuck a huge needle in my heel, and ironically, now it feels better (three days later). But it's still taped up, so I'm showering with plastic bags over my foot.

Art? Not happening. I think about it a lot, but nothing's happening. I'm so disorganized at the moment that I'm scared of what ball I'm going to drop. But the skies have been nice lately.

I don't really do landscapes. In fact, my people are often floating in space. Maybe I should draw a landscape with a human ON it or IN it. Wow. If it weren't 10:26 PM and I weren't completely exhausted, I might draw that. Someone remind me of that in a week or so.
You can count on that reminder!
I've waged some of those wars. Yesterday morning I found a little present from the cats. Oh yeah. Not a rat though, a little tiny mouse. When the house next store was abandoned briefly I saw some rats - decon baby, all the way!
I have some work to do RIGHT NOW or at least in the next couple days but my brains all over the place so maybe I'll settle for a drink and some dulce de leche oreos. All the way!
I killed another one this afternoon. I like domesticated rats as pets...they are very smart, but these are just diseases waiting to happen. I'm using traps because of the other animals in the area...the traps are all set on the paths I've seen the rats running.
Cookies and a drink. Nice combo.
REMINDER:Landscapes :}
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