Sore Throat
Yup. The first one of the school year. Nope. Second one. Fought the first one with Airborne and won. This one...I think I'm going DOWN. I spent 3 hours on Friday getting my kids out of jail.

My kids say I'm the only mom storing crickets for the spider in the cereal cupboard. The cats go after the cage if I don't hide it. I can hear the crickets chirping away in there. I fed the tarantula at home...I had to bring one home because one of my students kept putting his hand in the cage. The other bigger one is apparently too scary for him to do that. I'll take the crickets to school to feed the bigger one tomorrow.

Speaking of school, it's not going particularly well, but I've taken steps to control certain aspects of the not-well-ness, and I will find time to make art, dammit, or die trying (I spelled that "dye" first).
I sent two quilts to the Fiber Arts show in Decatur, Illinois last week. I have to put a second sleeve on one to ship it to Chandler, Arizona. I entered a couple of shows last week, so it's not that I'm not doing art-related stuff...I'm just not making any art. My goal this week is to find the other hand applique piece so I can finish it at soccer practices (oh wait, it has another giant naked lady on it), and to trace a bunch of Wonder Under for the next quilt. I can't figure out how to get these other two quilted. I've been too tired at night. It'll have to wait until I find some more 2011.
I'm glad other people post quilts in progress on their blogs so I know the whole world hasn't stopped making quilt art. Speaking of the whole world stopping, here's a not-great picture of the 9/11 quilt top I made shortly after the event. Folded it up in September 2001 and haven't looked at it since. Couldn't even watch the memorial shows last week on TV...started watching one, started crying, and changed the channel to something that didn't cause more trauma.

this one made me hiss and yelp, a real visceral feeling--very powerful....
It's such a bad picture of it too...
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