Mornings Should Be Quiet and Calm
I guess when you're 50-plus years old and the kids finally move out, you actually get to have a whole cup of tea in the morning in a calm manner before it gets cold. This is my theory. Instead, the dogs have been at it for the last hour, Ivy has now peed on the floor and on a couch (first load of laundry) this morning, and when a cat (WARNING>>>GRAPHIC CONTENT FOLLOWS) starts to gaaak up her breakfast into a pile of your fabric, so you pick her up to put her on the floor, and the dogs rush her, thereby sending the puking cat into some other part of the room so I can't find the puke pile...WELL. That's it. It's 8:16 in the morning and I am irritable. I don't WANT to be irritable, but...

I got the pattern to the new Southwest block. After searching the internet and harassing my teacher, I now know that the building is a hogan, not a kiva, and the thing that looks like a tipi in the drawing is actually a tipi of wood pieces for a bonfire. I think this thing has about 200 pieces in it, which doesn't scare me, but I'm not dealing with it this morning, because I am cleaning house. Here is a pile. It has taken over a chair.

It's not really a useful chair anyway, because only three of us ever eat at this table. But the pile has been there since June. Yeah. I am a horrible housekeeper. I hate it. I want a clean house. There aren't enough hours to even get enough sleep each night, let alone be a functional artist some weeks, and I need a cleaning lady. And new carpet (no point until the Peeing Puppy stops doing her deed in the house). Even this poor old piece of embroidery isn't hanging straight.

One thing about my job that is peaceful is the drive to work. It's long, about 35-40 minutes, but the view is gorgeous. This is the valley where my school is, and some mornings the clouds sit over the valley and look like an ocean. This is not one of those's a little too much like looming. But beautiful nonetheless.

So now I've yelled at the dogs and the kids, I have a nonlocated pile of cat puke somewhere in the house, and I have a cold cup of tea. Sigh.
So nice to see someone else with piles that sit for months!! There's hope for us all yet! Let the piles sit for awhile--from experience i can tell you cat puke WILL dry up and then it's easier to deal with :} And it's usually on something you *really* secretly don't want anyways :}
Lock yourself in the bathroom with your tea if you have to---or throw eevryone out, sit on the porch with your bucket of rocks (to throw at everyone) and your cup of tea---a fresh one--and enjoy!!!
I am over 50, my kids are gone, and the dog pooped in the hallway on the carpet again this morning. I of course, stepped in it in the dark. So hate to tell you, but no hope for the future with doggies hanging around.
y'all are so positive. It is true that dried puke is easier to deal with. And it is true that on some dark night, I will step on doggie poop. And I could sit on the deck right now with my tea...and have a little bit of peace. And I did clean yesterday it will get better. It would be MUCH better if fabric were involved this week.
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