October...Beautiful Month, But No Free Time
I've always loved October: great weather, not too cold and not too hot. The skies are beautiful. Exercise is thoroughly enjoyable. But I don't get any art done in October. I looked back at last year's journal...same complaints of no free time, no art making happening. Makes me feel better, yet worse. Better because it's not that I'm flailing this year any more than last year. Worse because I'm still flailing.

Here's my friend J. with her miniature crazy quilt. She's been working on these tiny blocks for months. They are so delicate and gorgeous, with the most amazing fabric highlighted in the blocks. She finally stopped making them and sewed them together. I'm hoping you'll be able to see it in person at some big quilt show in the future...if so, I'll let you know, because she has just as much right to be famous as any of us.

Here's a closeup so you can see some of the amazing stitching.

Here's a scary cleaning moment in my house.

I just want to get a box and put everything in it, slap a label on it, and deliver to some kid's house in about 20 years. That would be funny. My mom did something along those lines when I bought my first house. Even my training bras were in the box. Yeah. I tossed those suckers.
Arlee reminded me to draw something in a landscape. Yup. It's in my head, the whole drawing. Too bad there's no technology for getting it out of my head onto the paper.
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