Pumpkins Gone Bad
Blogger's actin' weird. I don't have any buttons for adding pictures. That's too bad, because I've got an AWESOME disgusting pumpkins-gone-bad picture. Oh wait...blogger's just being slow. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm defragmenting a disk at the moment :-). Yeah.
Anyway, I think I need a shovel to get rid of these blobs.

I had an all-day meeting for school yesterday. I drew during the meeting when I got bored. I don't know why she has 4 arms. She started with 3. Like that makes sense.

Tonight, I would like to draw. Self, please allow yourself some time tonight to draw. You have two good drawings whirling around your head that need to get out. Yes, you have two-week's worth of grading to do, but even if some of your students' parents are by some amazing coincidence reading this blog, surely they must realize that you slave many many hours for your job and for minimal pay? Surely they would not begrudge you an hour of drawing time on a Sunday night?
Yeah right.
I can see the pumpkins in some sort of anti-meth public service campaign. The message would have something to do with the effects of Crystal Meth on one's teeth.
They'd also make a wonderfully gruesome Halloween card.
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