Today I Took a Test
My school made me take what was apparently a 7th grade test today. It's self-leveling, so as I got answers right, it got harder. How mean is that? I was into Calculus (and drowning) very quickly. I RECOGNIZE calculus, but I can no longer DO calculus. It was very disheartening.
My tarantula (the small one) is on its back today. It's been struggling, like it wants to molt but forgot how. I hope he's not dying. Not sure what to do for him except think good molting thoughts.
I don't get to make art right now. I was going to write that I accept that, but I don't really. I just get more and more frustrated and cranky and like I want to break out of my skin and run screaming naked through the yards of my neighbors. OK, maybe not. But you know how that feels...
Here is my oldest cat, Juni, and her new army. She is completely in control of them.

Here's a picture from the San Francisco trip. I wanted to take lots more, but never seemed to have camera out or appropriate lighting at the right time. I took this one even though the light sucked, because despite the awesome nature scene, this is a porn club. Yeah. I wanted to go closer, but felt a little um weird about it.

I went to a kids' make-a-plate event, and made plates for my kids. Hope they like them. You color on the paper and then they transfer it to these plastic plates. My kids made them when they were little. I even have my daughter's footprints on one.

I did get to see Quilt National 05 and the Gee's Bend show, both of which were very enjoyable. But frustrating, because I'm incapable of finding time to sew at the moment. I thought the best Gee's Bend quilts were those that used old work pants in their construction. They were wonderful. No question in my mind of their artness. And I really enjoyed seeing some of my favorite QN artists up close and personal. I remember seeing a Susan Shie quilt in person for the first time and having a distinctly faux-religious experience. I'm sure there's a better term for that feeling that greatness is in the room, a word that doesn't use the word "religion".
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