Lovely Rainy Weather
Bless Me, the weather has turned. It is lovely and only 73 degrees. And did I mention rain? Oh hallelujah. I don't want to be one of those people who only complains about bad weather and never extols the virtues of wondrousness that can occur randomly in July in San Diego.
I'm still getting nothing done. That's not true. I'm cleaning. I'm doing yardwork. I spent 2 hours last night watching The Matrix and cutting out little pieces of fabric. Tonight (or maybe this afternoon), I will watch the second Matrix movie and cut MORE little tiny pieces of fabric. Maybe someday I will grow up and actually Make A Quilt this summer instead of constantly playing with little pieces of fabric.
My mom sent me this note:
Good Housekeeping Tip
Always keep several get well cards on the mantel..... so if unexpected guests arrive, they will think you've been sick and unable to clean.
I'm all about that.
So...the good and awesome news is that two of my pieces got into the Fiber Arts 2006 show at Gallery 510 in Decatur, Illinois. They'll be there in October at the Madden Arts Center. I wasn't expecting TWO pieces to get in. They accepted High Tide and So Deep, So Wide.
Here's High Tide, a poignant (yeah right) picture of single motherhood. Yeah.

A detail.

Another detail, this one of the children spilling out of the drawer in mom's belly. Scientifically accurate of course.

Here's So Deep, So Wide, which I posted back in June or something (even though I finished it back in January or something). I don't even remember my blurb explaining this one. I know it's a post-divorce quilt, which just means that it deals with my stuff post-divorce. Stuff from the divorce still is spilling out into recent drawings, unfortunately.

For instance, I had to drive past this pizza parlor about 10 times in the last week that was a significant piece of my divorce. Sounds wacky, I know, but that place, just SEEING it really bugged me. So it'll be in a drawing sometime soon. Scary how things and places and events really carry this weird remnant of a relationship, good or bad.
The second quilt hasn't been in any shows yet. The other one has (and currently hangs in my hallway). OK, motivation to finish quilts in the form of an acceptance letter. Maybe that's the Kick In The Butt that I needed.