Cat Eating Peas
I didn't quite catch him in the act...this is post pea-eating. But I saw him. Of course, you're thinking, hey...why are there peas lying around on the table? Me too. I am asking this question. I have kids...what can I say. They reject can't stay on the has to be on the placemat. I would prefer trashcan, but not an option.

My son asked me today if I thought any other teachers had houses as messy as ours. What a nice boy. I said he should go to school and ask his teachers how messy their houses are, and then ask them if they have kids and a spouse. Then I told him I was joking and he shouldn't ask that, but maybe he could go clean something. He only likes to clean things with sticks (brooms, mops, etc...sticks). Kids make messes; spouses occasionally help to clean them up. At least I think I remember that.

Couldn't figure that arty blur out? Here it is from farther away. Yes, they're going to school.

But I've managed to get approximately 13 seconds of handstitching done per day since school started. Yes, I stitched for 26 seconds yesterday and none today. OK, exaggeration. I actually took the giant naked lady to my daughter's piano lesson, folded it carefully so no revealing bits showed, and stitched away on the flames at the bottom. AND I found slide film in my fridge, so I don't have to try to make a kamikaze trip tomorrow to get some.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my blood sugar is sky high, I have a deaf student and an autistic student who are great kids and a bunch of future jail residents. I'd like to think that they aren't set in stone at the age of 12, but some of the parental influence is so pervasive that I'm not sure any of us can cut through it.
On that cheery note, my checkbook needs balancing.